this bee is.
The day started with rain and a very grey sky. During the morning the sun came out, how unexpectedly, and I went into the garden, greeting the birds and the bulb flowers. The sun was so warm that several bees came to the crocuses. I kneeled to follow them better. They did not seem to mind that I almost stick my nose in the flowers too.
Then the weather changed again, I went inside.
In the afternoon Piet Hein and I walked to the Eisenbahnerheim, to meet the horses. They excepted the carrots (each one carrot, they were my last ones) with grace.
I found it funny that one half of the sky was blue and the other half very black. The wind blew the dark parts away, we did not use our umbrellas.

My haiku:

The little crocus
Had waited all day but
In the end she came

And the proverb:

Wait and see.

1839  in Dickens, N. Nickleby:  Very good, my dear' replied Mrs Nickleby, with great confidence, 'Wait and see'.

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