A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Did you miss me?

A whole day without a pup shot. And as I'm away most of this week thought I should get one in. Reading some tips on teething pups we tried the frozen carrot. It was a big hit and a welcome distraction from fingers and toes.

The other reason for the image would be to remember why pups are so super cute so we keep them around despite the stupidly early start and the welcome greeting of a clean up in the kitchen that I will spare you the details of, just suffice to say it made me retch.

The other bad bits of the day were working in a coffee shop with the worst service in the world, taking 1hr 15minutes to do a 5 mile journey and Anna being upset about my impending work trip.

But all that aside the day has featured very lovely stuff too with my folks down and a splendid rib of beef lunch with all the trimmings, an Anna and Grandma lemon drizzle cake special for dessert, Jackson playing his first KPR game, and a highly entertaining bedtime.

Overall I think we ended on an up.

Lesley x

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