
By Purplepants

World book day is coming...

Today I was hunting out bits and pieces for mine and my colleague, Alison's costumes for school for Thursday.
This is hers - David Walliam's 'Awful Auntie'. 
Fred is contributing an old pipe and I had an owl pendant... 

For me, Alison has a large (almost) carpet bag. I need to borrow some white gloves from our vintage section in the shop today, I think I have the rest covered. (Can you guess who I am going as?)

A very chilly wind today. I ended up weeping with cold gritty assaults to my eyes. The Flag was attempting to leave the pole on the castle!

Lots of excitement in the shop when I thought I had uncovered a real Mulberry bag - it wasn't.
 It is real leather and made with tree embossed rivets and a serial number - but it is one that is a known reused fake number. (I checked on the internet) It does have a lot of good features but what made me suspicious was the poor seaming on the lining - you taught me well, Ma (always look at the insides to see how things are made)!

I could only find one white glove in the accessories stash... hmm...not sure if the other existed or I just thought I saw the pair before.
I did find a (battered) mortarboard which I shall use some time, I am sure!

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