School Dinner

회식 | hoesig (Dining together) 

Back to school today, la rentrée quoi!

Things I did today:

- Introduced myself on the school broadcasting system, which is effectively a miniature local TV station. This is currently the closest thing I have to presenting the votes at Eurovision. 
- Queued for 40 minutes at the Immigration Office, only to be served and told I was in the wrong room for my district. Upstairs for another hour and a half wait, the majority of which I spent watching one guy venting his frustration repeatedly at various staff at Counter 4 who took it in turns to be on the receiving end. (My time at Counter 3 took less than 2 minutes in total). 
- Trip to the bank to open an account. Very helpful folk at KEB (i.e Korean Edward Bank) - need my Alien Card to get *everything* but at least the first part is done now. They also offer free coffee and other assorted refreshments. Which is nice. 
-  Teaching staff meeting, where I understood precious little but did use my 5 key Korean sentence to introduce myself to my colleagues - referencing my Mum's teaching career was a great help too!
- After work dinner, which is likely to be the first of many! Drinking etiquette needs a little fine tuning, but boy do my colleagues enjoy their soju! Nice to spend time with my co-teachers too.   

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