One step at a time!

By IanO

New health centre

Our new health centre opened today. It has taken 12 years of wrangling to get to this point, the cost was a cool £6.8m. Two doctors surgeries will transfer here meaning 12 doctors plus numerous support staff, district nurses, health workers, admin etc. 

This is the back entrance to the building (next to the car park). It is a smart looking building, lots of wood and glass, I will get a shot from the other side one day.

The old health centre was very small and crowded, this in comparison is huge. The old reception area was about the size of a living room in somebody's house, this one is like an airport departure lounge. After 'checking in' the nurse came along to escort me to her room to give me my regular B12 injection. Talk about a hike, I'm not sure how people who have difficulty walking will cope nor the doctors and nurses having to come to the reception area to escort their patient to their room, they will certainly keep fit!

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