Snow a good day...

Woke up to loads of snow this morning.

Didn't last too long though. Had turned into mush by lunchtime and come 3pm nearly all was gone.

It's tried a few times to snow again, but not very successfully.

Bit of a rubbish day.

I smashed my front tooth years ago and have a crown there now. Over the years it's fallen out many a time usually after a few months.

This time I'd got it cemented in on Friday and was out again by last night. :-(

I had to walk to school with no front tooth cos it kept falling out when I was talking, and figured that loosing a front tooth in the snow wasn't gonna be clever!

I gave a few of the mum's a good laugh. And cheered up the nursery teachers no end.

Got it cemented back in this morning and it's out again already. :-(

I have an appointment on March to get the root taken out and some other contraption put there till the gum settles. (about 6 months) Then maybe a bridge or something.
It's going to be a long month.


I also knocked over a massive bottle of bubbles from the top of my kitchen unit... Spilling loads of the slippery slimy stuff all over the floor.

*Sigh *

Then Ozzy rolled in some dead fish thing when we were coming back from nursery. Frozen, wet and hungry, (that was us!) and now a stinky dog to top it all that had to have a wash straight away!

Even bigger... SIGH!

I'll be glad when it's bedtime.

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