
By CanonEyes

Tir na n'Og.

A sculpture in a local park telling the story of Niamh and Oisin, one of the great tales of Irish mythology.
Niamh was a princess from Tir na n'Og (The land of youth) and came to Ireland to claim the hand of Oisin, the son of the warrior chief Finn McCool.
They spent what Oisin thought were three blissful years together in the Land, before Oisin became homesick and wished to see his father again. Niamh gave him her horse and told him not to dismount under any circumstance.
When he returned he found that Ireland was completely changed. In attempting to help some people he fell from his horse and immediately aged 300 years. He was cared for by St Patrick and related all the stories of the Fianna to him before he died. When Niamh came to find him he was already dead.

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