Tarawera Times

By Megl

A bit of a "domestic".

It was a very calm overcast afternoon, and decided to take the Canadian canoe out on the lagoon for a paddle and to check out the nesting swan that I had blipped 3 weeks ago. I hadn't gone far when a heavy shower sent me scuttling back to shore, but it soon passed and I headed back to the swan. I watched for some time and she seemed to get used to me, even got up off the nest and turned the egss...I could see three but suspect there were more. I took a few photos but it was hard as the reeds were blocking the view. Spent time with a pair of coots and their three very new and rather ugly chicks, got some great shots and thought I had my blip done.
But behind me I heard quite a noise as a pair of swans were having a real ding dong of a battle, not sure what it was all about, and obviously they had sorted it out and the calm returned.

A very pleasant little paddle. Off to camera club tonight.

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