We'll call them Shaun.

I always think sheep look a little ridiculous when first shorn but it was perfect timing for the 600 ewes that had their think woolen coats removed earlier this week before the start of the very hot weather.

Oh, and we won the pub quiz last night! It must have been, in part, due to all your good wishes, so thank you!

After a slow start we were accused of using the Shazam* phone app during the music round, but as we explained, we are fortunate to have our own Shazam in the team aka Steve.

Steve has 'writing Tourettes', If he has the pen, he writes swear words on the answer sheet, it seems he cannot help himself. But during the music round we take the risk of giving him the pen and let him get on with it.

Last night he got 19 out of 20, there were 10 musical intros, we had to name the artist & song title. However he'd also changed our team name to 'wee, tits, bum poo,' which didn't sound too good amongst the other intellectual and humorous names when the final scores were read out.

*Shazam is a commercial mobile phone based music identification service. Hold your phone up to the music source and it will identify it, and display the answer on your mobile phone screen.

Have a sunny weekend y'all.

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