Fish face!

The difference between golden retrievers and gorgeous little collies like me, is; retrievers eat absolutely anything and gorgeous little collies don’t!

It was a beautiful morning so we went to Carbis Bay Beach for a play.  I’m not allowed to play with my bouncy balls when Ozzy, (my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend) is with me because he chews them all up. 

So we just had to make our own entertainment.  Well, I had a lovely time swimming and running but do you know what Ozzy did?  ………………..He went around looking for things to eat.  And we’d both had a really big breakfast.  He eats seaweed, he eats crisp packets, he eats horse poo, he eats anything.

……………..But today he was being particularly gross in his eating habits.  What happened was…………………..  We found a little fish on the beach.  We haven’t a clue what it was but it looked a bit like a sardine.  Do sardines swim in the sea?  Anyway I sniffed it and then ran off to play.  Ozzy decided to eat it so he gobbled it up but seemed to be having trouble swallowing it??  It fell out of his mouth a couple of times and to be honest we’re not actually sure if it was dead.  Ann says may be the saliva in his mouth resuscitated it??  Anyway eventually it was obvious that he’d swallowed it, eyes and all??!!!  Just how gross is that????

And then Ann had to go to work and leave us 'home alone'.  She was convinced that when she came home Ozzy would have been sick.  But he hasn’t been.

So all’s well that ends well.  Apart from the fish of course!!!

PS – If Ozzy is expecting me to cuddle up and kiss his horrid fishy breath tonight he can think again.  A gorgeous little collie like me has her standards!!!

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