The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Metaphorical Ducks

There are ducks who live in a pond in a service station on the M6. They are well looked after and never short of a sandwich from the many visitors that pass through. But just over a hill is the Lake District with its breathtaking lakes and picturesque coastlines. A duck nirvana. The ducks can fly. So why are they still living in a service station?

Mummy was off to a life coaching seminar to discover how not to be a metaphorical duck on the M6, daddy was off to work and I was spending the day with granny Anne and papa. We went out walking in the morning. Papa proudly pushed my pram the whole time, granny didn't have a look in. In the afternoon we visited my great granny then daddy picked me up and took me home. Granny Isy, granda and aunty Debbie gave me a bath before bed.

The bath was quickly refilled after I saturated me and mummy in vomit. Why bother with a life coach mummy when you are quite clearly living the dream eh?

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