
By Gingercatpix

Wooden Heart

I have driven past this heart shaped wood on the M6 many times over the years but never taken the time to leave the motorway and take a pic. Today was a lovely day as I drove down to Cheshire to visit rellies so I decided to take a detour to photograph the wood. It does not look like much now but in full bloom it is just a giant green heart. Below are a few theories to its origins.

When travelling north on the M6, just before Tebay, did you notice the heart shaped wood on the right? There are lots of tales about its origins: some say it was planted as a memorial to a young soldier killed in the first world war while others say it was the farmer’s way of expressing his love for his wife. Some people think it represents the middle of mainland Britain while others believe it came about from a Romeo and Juliet style tragedy where two farming families in the valley had an ancient feud and when the daughter from one family fell in love with the son from the other, the pair were told they were forbidden to marry. The fated lovers met secretly one last time and climbed the fell where he killed her and then killed himself. Both families were so distraught at the tragedy they caused, they planted the heart shaped wood on the very spot the young lovers died.

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