Libby Meets a New Vet

 Libby has previously been diagnosed with stomatitis or perhaps periodontal disease by two different vets. I decided to get a third opinion for Libby's gum problems. Removing  all of her teeth or removing 13 of her teeth, those have been the two opinions two vets prior to this vet has given me so far for Libby. It may come to that eventually, but I wanted to make sure there wasn't  any other treatment that wouldn’t be so drastic. This third Vet. Dr. Walker thinks it’s probably stomatitis, but he wants to try giving Libby 3 antibiotic shots over the next 3 weeks to see if that calms her gums down. Today was her second visit and her gums did seem somewhat better. It may come to that eventually but I wanted to make sure there wasn't any other treatment that wouldn’t include removing so many teeth.  So this is the up-date on my sweet little Libby Girl.

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