Plus ça change...

By SooB


Obviously my heart is flooded with warmth at the knowledge that blip hasn't met an untimely end, but sadly the house is not similarly blessed. For a while now the boiler's been doing its own thing. The water always seems hot enough, but the heating just comes on whenever it fancies. It'll say 'ON' quite clearly on the controller, but the radiators are stone cold. Then hours later you'll get 20 minutes of heat. One night I woke up roasting at 3am to find all the radiators blazing away despite the controller declaring firmly and confidently that the heating was 'OFF'.

As you can see the radiators are currently a bit on the chilly side.

Still, I've been able to keep warm running up and down the stairs to use Mr B's desktop to catch up on blip a bit. My laptop seems not to have caught up with the fact that we're back home now and refuses to recognise our wireless network. I had to call the nice computer man out last time we came back from France for just the same reason and can't for the life of me remember what he did even though I watched really closely thinking 'I should remember this in case it happens again'.

One of those days when I don't really think technology is serving me, so much as mocking me.

Backblips of the lost weekend (and please tell there's at least one blipper out there who actually did go to Amsterdam) are here: shirt tugging, ice cream slurping and mountain climbing.

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