Emergency Blip

This isn't the blip I had in mind.

I got in from work, expecting Elder Son to have cleared up after cooking himself his lunch, and about to get ready to go to work. Instead, I found a scene like something from the Marie Celeste - the washing up incomplete, a kitchen cupboard open, cutlery on a tea towel lying on a worktop ...

So I went next door where, as I'd feared, I found Elder Son tending to our elderly neighbour, who had fallen over yet again - we are first contact for her emergency lifeline that she (thankfully) wears around her neck. She seemed uninjured but was very confused and was constantly repeating herself. Elder Son and I both wondered if she'd had a mini-stroke. So, a 999 call seemed the best course of action.

After an assessment, she was taken to hospital for tests and observation. Nothing specific was found and, as the hospital has an outbreak of norovirus, it was decided she would be better off at home and she was discharged. Her son got her home just before 9 pm.

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