Bus Challenge No 52!!

A sunny day so I decided to head out on another of my bus challenges in the hope that it might distract my mind a little...

My first bus took me into Bath where I met a friend and we then took a second bus, heading east into Wilshire and to Box. This area is known for its fine Bath stone and Box quarries were famous for their stone for centuries. Today Box is best known for the Box Tunnel, designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. When completed in 1841, it was  the longest railway tunnel in the world, at almost 2.9 kilometres (1¾ miles), and stills remains in daily use as the high speed train route from Bristol to London.

Cunningly, we got off the bus at the top of Box Hill, stopping for lunch at the Quarryman's Arms, and then that way it was all downhill from there! Our path to the village of Box took us down Quarry Hill (you can just make out the road snaking its way down the hill in the background). The village itself is quite picturesque, with a cluster of very old buildings, including The Blind House. It's just a shame that there are so many  overhead cables!

Bus journey time = 2 hour 5 mins 
Waiting between buses time = 50 mins
Total journey time = 2 hours 55 mins

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