Old Zinesters Never Die

In case anyone wonders what the name of my blip journal is about, it's after my old zine.

Today a friend gave me this old tee shirt from around 1997 or '98, when I was all over the Media as the voice of rebellious human guinea pigs. I had worn out and tossed all of my own copies of the shirt long since.

It still astonishes me that a casual writing experiment, about a strange little line of work I had, turned into a deluge of attention that has slowed but never stopped, even now, sixteen years on. In the beginning I had no reason to expect more than a dozen or so of my friends to read what I had to say, but now my friends tease me (for example) by asking some medical student friend who's visiting from somewhere, have they ever heard of Guinea Pig Zero? The friend will say, "Sure, of course." --and I'll feel all silly.

One of these days I'll start writing again, or at least I hope so. A good start would be to update the web site! It's been wearing a lot of cobwebs in recent years.

I have so many feelings, bearing both pride and regret, when i think of the whole adventure. I hesitated to blip this but wise & good Ceridwen encouraged me to do so. Well, there you have it!

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