The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Foreign Monkey

We are entering unknown hormonal territory. We're edging closer to my first birthday and mummy's reminiscing about this time last year is constant. Me and daddy are a bit bored. As men we just don't get what all the fuss is about. Yes the nursery had just been newly decorated and stockpiled with teeny weeny clothes and now it's a disorganised shambles. Get over it.

Let's get out of here and distract her I said to daddy. So we jumped in the car and went a long drive. We stopped at a cafe for lunch and I had more fun sticking my face in daddy's food than I did trying to eat my own. Afterwards we visited granny and papa.

A few years ago in Thailand granny Anne was bitten by a monkey. She pointed to it and said 'no biting'. Mummy and daddy found this hilarious A: because it was a monkey and B: it was a foreign monkey. These days though they find themselves saying this phrase to me all the time. I find this equally hilarious as I also have absolutely no idea what they are saying!

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