
Yes, it's not the most imaginative title, but I'm not feeling very imaginative.
Day started early, too early, but hey ho.

Daddy captured two monkeys and put them in the cot for safe keeping.

One of the monkeys then turned into an imp on a scooter. Her little brother was having his swimming lesson at the time. both children were tired during swimming. Womsie was fast asleep in the car within minutes, he slept for two hours, attempted to wake him, refusal, he slept for another hour. Munchie crashed on the sofa, snapped her just as she was stirring.

Went into town, paid £70 into their accounts made up of 50ps, 20ps and 10ps then went to Morrisons. Double trolley excitement. £50 worth of stuff in trolley, paid £12 due to vouchers for faulty nappy, Morrisons miles vouchers and other vouchers that seemed to have amassed.

Not sure of our morning plan yet, grandma coming to play in the afternoon tomorrow

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