
Coming thick and fast this gig aniversary* stuff, you'd think that was all I did back in them days, ahem, let's move on shall we - yes, twenty five years ago today the New Fast Automatic Daffodils played the Maze Bar at Sheffield University - a cheap Monday nighter. I liked 'em a lot, they were different to all that Madchester stuff as well, they had a lot of funk to them for starters. More your post-punk-like ACR kind of vibe rather than a baggy one.

And, I was undoubtedly there with my mate Rob altho' my pal Ian is also a big fan of this band and was likely to have been there too (but I didn't get to know Ian until a few months later when he started going out with my friend Sarah, so can't vouch for his whereabouts on that night). I'll even dedicate this blip to him as well as it's his birthday today and I'm generous like that ;-)


* There's also another gig in my back catalogue so to speak on March 5th, today marking the 24th anniversary of the occasion when, in 1991,  I hopped the trusty National Express from Sheffield to Nottingham to see Slowdive support Ride at Rock City. Cracking stuff, but pretend I've not mentioned it and I might bring it up again next year for the big 25th.

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