African Night

I went along to a different quilt group tonight, Cromwell Quilters. I have had my name down on the waiting list for a while and it will be nice to go and not have to be part of the organising team. I actually knew quite a few people there which was nice.  They have a lot of guest speakers, as its a huge group they can afford this. 

Tonight Magi Relph of the  African Fabric Shop  gave a talk. I wasn't too worried about this talk, but Magi was very interesting and spoke about the dye process of her fabrics. Its amazing that the artists she has met and how women in most cases are the entrepreneurs.  Her slides (which were very few and well selected) and section of samples really brought her talk to life.  Here she is with Bob her partner at the end of her talk.

I have to say I was transfixed with Magi's top. It was designed and made by her tailor in Africa and I loved it. Emmm...... can feel one being drafted very soon, just got to finish Santa, Reindeer and all the holly leaves

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