wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

The problem with Thursday.........

Is that it's not Friday.
I am so sorry I am tired of blipping snow.
These roses were the ones I bought last week. They are slowly dying. Tony is obsessed with them. I have them up high. He can't reach them, but he can smell them! He sits on the floor and stares at them willing them to jump down to him.
It's not working.
Right now he is watching tv. The Women of SNL is on and it's obviously entertaining. He can't tear himself away.
Today was really strange. I should be on my way to Australia. Another time.
They cleared the roof off at work and the snow is piled up really high outside the office next to me. Bonnie works there. You can barely see out. There was a rock sticking out of he top and it looked like a dog log. We were hysterical. Seriously in less than three minutes you can become 6 years old again.
See you can recapture youth. It just takes a mountain of snow and a dog poop.

No snow in Oz. There is enough here for both of us. G'day Downunder and g'night too the north! (except you Ori, good morning to you!)

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