Home Comforts

Tess's Dad was understandably upset when he moved out of the home he's lived in for the last 5 years and the town he's lived in for 20, but, a little to our surprise and a lot to our relief, he seemed very happy with his room when we arrived at the Residential home and was soon chatting to fellow residents and tucking in to lunch.

The staff are so friendly and up beat that they soon made him feel at home and we left him this afternoon enjoying his book and the sunshine in a small upstairs lounge. Hopefully, he'll be properly settled in when we see him tomorrow. As you can imagine it's been a difficult couple of days, with feelings of guilt and questioning whether we've made the right decision mixed with hopes that he'll be happy there.

From a selfish point of view, it's lovely to be back in our own home tonight and we treated ourselves to fish and chips from our local chippie.

(I know, I'm a pleb drinking red wine with fish!)

Have a good weekend everyone.

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