golden stamens ..

the remnants of crocuses.

Mild and dry. 
An eventful day.  I went to help search for my daughters three ponies who had gone walkabout and were last seen on Wednesday evening. She was frantic. 
I spotted them eventually and in my excitement ran my car into a ditch, stuck tight.
Within minutes two sets of passers by had stopped, extricated me from the car, produced ropes and towed the car free. All accompanied by much laughter, banter and general hilarity.
The horses were found on a farm where they had turned up yesterday morning. The farmer was also helpful and friendly. I was struck by the general kindness and niceness of strangers.
We caught the horses and she walked them the four miles home down a busy road while I followed with blinking hazard lights. 

Also today discussions were underway and arrangements finally settled for me to go to Dublin to appear in court as a witness (to something else altogether) early next week. Not looking forward to that at all. 

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