Brave Blue World

By OlliEcological


What a glorious s****g day it was today! (asterisks because we ain't allowed to say the word yet)
After a few very pleasant hours spent down at the cricket club doing some groundwork (outfield mowing, outfield rolling, drinking cups of tea) I took the fly rod along to the cricket club weirpool to see if anything was about. Unfortunately it's not trout season and nowt was forthcoming but I did see a couple of dippers scrabbling about for creepy-crawlies which more than made up for the dry net.
The title comes from something I was told when at school and doing a treasure-hunt one activity-week. Allegedly, the field in question once contained two examples of every tree native to the British Isles. It was created as a present for some lady of the manor by her obviously bored husband. Probably apocryphal but nice nonetheless.

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