1000 Blips! (or not!)

Sorry guys, I had to edit this as my 1000 blips turned out to be 960. I have no idea how but it was definitely 998 2 days ago!

So here is (for a change) DN1, DN2 and my new GrandKitty - Leo - who woke the girls up at 7.15! (and they then woke me up telling me that - at 7.16!) Bit like having a baby!! Leo was a Harry up until Emily saw him then decided he looked like a tiger and called him Leo. Don't ask! But thank you all for your suggestions. I passed them all on. She particularly like the suggestions Rory and LoKi (Little Orange Kitty) but Leo it was!

Today will be mostly looking at kitten messages, clearing up from last night (someone had mud on their shoes - its EVERYWHERE), blind fabric shopping, ironing (for Mr W - he wont cook so I wont Iron - its our 'deal') and chilling. Eventually!

Have a lovely Sunny Sunday!


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