By SKP64

First Speech to Conference

I say "first" but as I noted earlier in the week it could be my last; who knows? At the moment, no one! Anyway I put my card up to speak in favour of Motion A132 more than half hoping the president wouldn't pick me but she did; I felt like a gawky 12 year old but walked to the rostrum and said my piece to polite applause. The motion was carried but I don't think that's because of anything I said; the important thing is that my voice and the voice of the members in my branch was heard.
I was later moved to tears by the very last motion of conference; to support and work with the Hillsborough Justice Campaign; the speeches were powerfully impassioned and the motion was passed unanimously. It has been a fabulously challenging week and I've been privileged to be a part of it; to listen to amazing people; Doreen Lawrence and the Greek trades union delegation not least among them. I leave Brighton determined to learn more; to be of greater support to my colleagues; and to encourage them as a branch and as an individual to organise and fight for what is right.

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