Calton Road

Working from 7 whilst the sun shone and the wind blew; by 11 I was sufficiently in need of fresh air and exercise to down tools and head to the hills. The Pentlands. Not many Cigs there, in fairness. Wide open spaces and snowy squalls. Good for the soul if not this blip journal.

Back to hers; did some household chores before exiting homeward. I took a slightly circuitous route home- down New Street as Sunday is a day for street art there; and what should I find but 2 big Cigs tags in sludgy green. They weren't there on Friday so.... That's tomorrow's office day blip sorted!

Today's comes from around the corner; simple black / block capitals / three stripe / no date effort (it's 2015, though)

Re: the new ones. Anyone would think Cigs had got wind of someone blipping him and done some new stuff.....

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