Blue Sky

What a surprise today: nice sunny day, clear sky and wind drying the streets and melting snow!

And monday. Of course.

I tried to do my work so fast as I could, had no lunch hour, so I could leave earlier home: so much fun with the camera, I felt I just had to stay outdoors and enjoy the huge bright amount of sunlight.  My daughter vaccuumed the car inside. And we even had time to make a nice 4km nordic walk as sun was still shining.

The weather was like in late april, some +7c warm.
In old Kustaa Vilkuna weather calendar from early 1900's this day 9th march alwaystold the direction of weather for 40 next days. Maybe we will have warm spring days then for next month?!?!

So enjoyable evening after all the cloudy days, overwhelmingly lovely.

Hope you had equally good start for your week!


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