mack and freeze

Hurrying between schools this lunchtime. The wind was raw, dark clouds drew the eye. I was in the flux of the next thing. My mind on the next thing, and the next thing after and, and, and...
I passed a close door to a tenement on the busy road and this one weathered tile, and half its sunken sibling stopped me. A Mackintosh design, yet one that looks the more striking for its life lived. For the life that's passed it by in and out, up and down the close.
A wee Art Nouveau beauty, a beacon on this dirty gale-force rush about day. It emitted a force-field that made me stop, freeze what I was doing for a moment, and breathe in the everyday art exhibition right before me on the down-at-heel close door. Art in situ . Perfectly there.
Recharged I set about my day again, not in a mind mess of a hurry, but with one foot in front of the other and nothing more than this till I reached where it was I was heading.

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