Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle


Trolley-wise, am I becoming a bit obsessed? Mrs Tuttle seems to think so.
But my aim tonight was to capture some some light streaks from the foot bridge seen in this blip, only to find three abandoned trolleys at the bottom. Got one (lorry) light streak with this shot though.

This trolley thing is a bit of an obsession in my home town of Ellesmere Port: lots of people complaining about them and lots of (other) folk generally taking the p!ss. There is even a "Trolley Hunter" video on Youtube. I have often been approached/asked whether or not I "stage the trolleys" for (pointless) photographic purposes. My response is always: I have better things to do in my time!
I have never considered myself to be the coolest guy in town, but how can one consider pushing a trolley (with shopping in it) down the street as "cool". I mean the noise from the trolley wheels on tarmac must turn heads.
Is it lazyness? Ignorance? Or even an artform?

Either way, it keeps my index finger occupied with my shutter release!

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