
By Shin


Of course seeing Joe have his own Lego character, followed by S2, and I don't know if I missed anyone. I thought it was time to come up with the female Lego version of myself. Especially since I'll be carrying a red balloon today. They are extremely hard to get by (female Lego characters I mean, the balloon is somewhat easier since Blipcentral has no requirements as to what you blip, you can just fill a year with what strikes you), which I think is one thing Lego should be working at. They are missing out on a whole portion of bigger girls, who want to play with Lego, but not necessarily the princess stuff, but for whom all the fighting with Starwars, Lego Agents etc. is again the opposite of that. Of course there are girls that will play with either sides, but I think there is a whole market for somewhere in the middle. nugh said about Lego.

Thank you to all those that visit this blip on a regular and not so regular basis

Of course a huge thank you to blipcentral, whom we all know since this last weekend can definitly not be missed.

[edit] sorry I just had to change my blip. My mishap earlier, not knowing how to write properly ;)

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