Black Mountains Blips

By Hanneke3

More Mono

I admit to jumping at the opportunity to post more mono photos'.

I started my 'career' as a photographer aged 9, when I borrowed stole my father's Voightlander Vito B and never gave it back... I was allowed the odd B/W film and very rarely colour paired with very little pocket money for processing. I had to be creative and when I moved to secondary school I discovered they had a darkroom.

I joined the photo club and started doing my own developing and printing. My world was seen in monochrome, black and white, for a VERY long time.

I went to university and gave my father his camera back. No photography.

Then I found a student job in a photo shop! Selling camera's, equipment and processing other's photo's. That meant sending them to a lab and discussing them with them when they collected them.

One day this man walks in with a brand new Nikon FE. He had shot one film with it and didn't get on with it. My boss exchanged it for something automatic and compact and offered the man 50 guilders for the 'old' camera. He accepted.

He then held up the Nikon, like a trophy, and handed it to me: here, it was time you had a proper camera! It came with a Nikkor A 50 mm 1.2 lens and I was away :) Still B/W, Illford HP5 was my favourite film. Shooting in low light and purposefully causing lots of grainyness... very arty farty...

I have moved on since then, the Nikon eventually developed a light leak and I stopped photgraphing, as the new fangled DSLR's didn't do it for me. Until a few weeks ago, when I decided it was time I took photo's again and bought the Lumix LX7. It has been a star!

And I find myself taking B/W again, as well as lots of MACRO :-o something I had never done before but the camera is sooooo good at it.

OK, here we are, my background as a 'photographer' or snapper...

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