Loosing my Marbles.

I went to Daughter Number 1's new house to play with kittens put up the blind I made her. Mr W was supposed to come but he worked last night, then this morning, then made us go shopping, so I ordered him to bed. I did manage to prize his new drill off him after much sweet talking so that I was all prepared for 'man jobs'.

I remembered to take the sewing machine, the drill, the blind, the velcro, the clete, the sewing scissors, the electric screwdiver, the camera, the thread, the drill bits, the screws, the eyelets and the tape measure. I didnt however, remember the bobbin!!!! I was very cross with myself!

So I just played with kittens!

Little Leo, featured here camouflaged amongst DN1's Rabbits is the funniest, friendliest little chap who thinks he's a parrot. he thinks nothing of shinning up your clothes to get on your shoulder. He's totally litter trained, confident and happy. But still does eggy farts!  hes still a little skinny and boney but hes off to the vets tonight for his health check.

Eric, who came a week later and 3 weeks older than Leo and yet to be featured is beautiful, but very nervous, has fleas and pooped behind the sofa today!!!! It really is incredible how very different cats are even at such a young age. It makes us sad to think he didnt have the best of starts and that has had a direct impact on his general happiness, personality and well being even at such a young age.

DN1 is totally besotted and all she talks and things about right now are her 'Babies'!!!! Like mother - like Daughter!


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