
By dshildreth

Their eyes were watching God

As weird as it may sound, we took a trip to the cemetery today for lunch. I used to do this all the time when I lived back east.  The cemeteries there were quiet and beautiful particularly in the fall when the leaves were changing.  Here in Southern California they aren't quite the same.  The stones are pretty new for the most part and they seem to be stuck in between oil derricks and ravines.  They are on busy streets filled with road construction and noise.  The dead don't seem to get any rest.

So while tripping over the gopher holes (they have a poison warning sign as you enter - they use some funky toxic killer to get rid of the little dudes which apparently doesn't work) I found this statue.  The angel seems intent on watching the heavens.  It also happens that one of my favorite books is Their Eyes Were Watching God thus the title.

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