Mary's place

I have known Mary for over 10 years but only recently learned that she lived in Montreal for a year when she first moved to Canada. As it turns out her apartment then was very close to our house now.

Although it cannot really be considered to be in our neighbourhood as we are separated by a major roadway, Mary's place is about a kilometre from our home and is located in the same district and borough. 

The non-descript square brick low rise apartment building is a familiar architectural style in the area, which is ideally situated in walking distance of shopping, restaurants, services and transit. I liked the shadows that the branches of the stately bare tree cast on the front façade and imagine the trees on the street are quite beautiful when in full leaf.

It was a gorgeous warm sunny day, perfect for melting snow and a walk in the district. Although there is still a lot of snow, the pack has decreased several feet and the sidewalks are clear in most places. However, the abrasive limestone that has been liberally tossed all over the roads and sidewalks to prevent slips and falls in snow and ice is now fully exposed. So, poor little Lacey had to stay home even though she desperately wanted to join me, so as to save her paws. Needless to say, the first stop on my walk was to the pet store to buy protective booties so she can come next time.

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