
By SeaGypsy49

Wait for me.

We took the dogs for a walk up the back paddock and Whisky came along too. I got this as we were coming back up the drive.
Had a golf club meeting and working bee this morning, as we have our annual classic on the 21st & 22nd March. A lot of organising and tidying up to be done.
I left early, as I needed to put my other hat on, trying to organise people to help put the tent up for the Pelorus Promotions group at the Havelock Mussel Festival tomorrow afternoon. After the Mussel Festival is over, I can then think golf club.
I told the golf meeting that I wasn't going to be on the committee next year. I think it is over 10 years, and I have had enough. Time for some new blood and someone with some fresh ideas. Our Club Captain, has just sold her house here too, and is moving, so it could be quite a change for the club next year.

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