In My World

By JoanneInOz

Morning Mags.

My very handsome Mr. Magpie came to visit early this morning, and posed beautifully for me in front of the blooming purple Tibouchina tree.

The light was gorgeous today. Gone is the stark summer light, when the glare takes away my photographic inspiration. Muted light is bringing out the glorious colours of nature, as once again the temperatures drop. Heavenly....

There has been a news article going around Facebook today of a tamed magpie, who a Sydney family have named "Penguin". The father of the family, a photographer, has set up an Instagram account, and if you have the time, the photos are heart-warming and wonderful, and well worth a look. It's an absolute joy to see the pleasure that this young magpie, who is free to come and go as she pleases, is bringing to a caring family of mum, dad and their three sons. :)

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