Thinking records!

Another busy but happy day which took me to Haworth and Keighley in the morning, followed by admin this aft, then a few hours 'packing cards' whilst watching 'The Boat That Rocked' - about pirate radio in the 60s - not sure how much of it was true... but enjoyed it very much.  A couple of weak blip efforts from Haworth didn't pass muster, so I've gone for a shot of a pile of LPs I've got.... to tie in with the film.  Some were my Mum's, some are mine... recognise the album cover on top?(My Mum's) I've never seen the film or played the record... I should do both - I do have a little record player... one day I'll go through them all - well maybe I'll skip the Boomtown Rats one there - what was I thinking! :)

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