anyone got a light ...

This shed has been disused for as long as I can remember, it is very dilapidated in appearance and there are a lot of items inside making it nigh impossible to actually get inside. Anyway amidst the rain this afternoon I decided I would stop and take a picture... So imagine me, having forded some huge muddy puddles in said rain and looking over an old stone wall covered in bramble branches trying to take this photo.
So I hope you have this mental picture of this because I then clocked the light bulb, well I just burst out laughing and nearly toppled of the stone I was standing on !!!   You may be pleased to know that I don't think anyone saw me.
Busy day today, thankfully the quarterly church magazine is now in the hands of the person who runs it off ...hurray !!
Then after lunch I was at a friends, mothers funeral .... 
Hasn't the rain been insistent today, It hasn't stopped since lunch time and there is a lot of water lying everywhere  :(
take care if your out and about  :)

This is for derelict Thursday.

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