Bits of Life Thru A Lens

By KimD


A year ago today I headed out for my morning run just like I had been doing every other day since November of 2010. I typically walked to warm up until I crossed this intersection and then ran along the bike path. At that time I was up to running half marathon distance (13.1 miles) and had dreams of running a full marathon in January of 2012. On that morning last year though everything changed. I had the light and had gotten to the half way point of the cross. I was waiting for the cars on my side to finish making their left turns so I could complete the cross. I never saw or heard the guy who ran the light and hit me. It happened just about where that sun flare is, but I don't remember any of it. I remember waiting for a blue volkswagon to turn and then I was flat on my back on the ground, bleeding and really sore. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday and sometimes it seems like years ago. It was truly a life changing moment and it forced me to realize just how lucky I am. I lived. I can still walk and talk. I can even still run, maybe not quite as far (yet) but I can run, and I have really good friends who took care of my kids and me when I couldn't. Every time I go through this intersection, which is a couple times each day, I remember just how lucky I am.

More ducks and a pigeon here.

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