Club Play

2:30am - wake up, realized I'm completely wide awake
3:30am - after rolling from side to side for an hour, reach for my computer to go over LGT for exam
6:30am - Katy comes over to study
8:30am - Chick-fil-a breakfast/bacteria study session
9:30am - Katy leaves to take exam early/Matt comes over to study
11:30am - Visa calls to check on uncharacteristic charges to my credit card this morning*
1pm - EXAM -- 90 questions (I usually check out after 40 questions. damn it.)
3pm - home again; reeling from the sheer length of exam
5pm - check exam grade... surprised but okay (?) with grade
6:30pm - leave for Beaumont
11pm - arrive in Beaumont
2am - finally sleep

*So the lovely ladies at Visa give me a call this morning to see if I spent ~ $1000 in Miami last night at Club Play. Alas, I did not. But some clever jerks stole my card number from somewhere and have fabricated a new card connected to my account. HOW in the hell do they do that? I tried to have her explain it to me, but then I realized that I didn't really care. So .... that's inconvenient.

But please, feel free to share this card number with your friends. Next round's on me. Or bottle service, it's all the same.

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