Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Spent the day in St Andrews with Stacey. We have known each other since the age of 5 when we  started primary. She now lives down south and comes up at least once a year. She went to Uni at St Andrews, so today was a bit like a trip down memory lane.

We wandered round the shops, had a nice lunch. Walked along the coast line and ended the day with an ice cream in Janetta’s.  Now I am exhausted and ready for a night on the sofa.

(It was Lewis' first settling in session at nursery today. Kelly goes back to work at the end of this month part time. I feel upset that he has to go to nursery and be apart from Kelly. Every time I think about it I get upset. But apparently he had a great hour and didn't look back for Kelly. )

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