Friday: Ante And His Self-Portrait

Our friend Danko always has some crazy initiative on the go.  His latest venture is to have collected together about 30 artists that he knows to contribute to an exhibition under the theme of 'friendship'.  Despite the fact that K. and I are not artists, we have also been roped into this - K. has contributed a cartoon and I have provided some photos.

I have failed to mention that the exhibition is taking place some way out of Zagreb in a small town about an hour and a half to the east, called Djurdjevac.  So here I am, decamped in the rural East, having driven here this afternoon.  The drive here was fascinating - a single lane road through lots of small towns and villages.

It's been a very interesting evening with some very quirky art installations. This is one of the milder ones - this is one of the artists, Ante, with his self-portrait behind him.  He is also a very talented sculptor.

At the end of the evening we ended up in the smokiest, loudest bar I have been in for some time.  It's obviously where the Djurdjevac youth, and crazy Zagreb artists, hang out on a Friday night.......

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