
By Jennynlper

New chicken on the block

Here she is...! Speckedly is the bossess, but it has been a much gentler introduction than previous introductions, thank goodness. The greenhouse is much easier for me to manage than temporary runs made from chicken wire and netting. Plus it forced me into clearing out all last years dead tomatoes, though I haven't applied the Jeyes yet. I am going to thoroughly clean out and repair the henhouse, and move it so that it is against my cottage, if there is sufficient width on the path. (The concrete path slopes with several planes for drainage, so a bit of timber 'engineering' to make a level platform is required.)

This is from Andrew Gabriel, the breeder's website:
The Fenton Blue is a blue / green egg laying bird I am developing here on the farm. It is a different colour this year due to a new cross I am using which will hopefully lay a higher percentage of blue / green eggs. The Fenton Blue is a Cream Legbar cross, hopefully producing more and better sized eggs than the pure Cream Legbar. It normally has a crest or head tuft and a brown tinge to its white feathers.

A mutual friend calls him the Angel Gabriel.

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