live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Peeking out..

The sun is peeking out from the clouds..

Lazy Sunday..
Actually i had a plan to do a photo shoot my friend, but i didn't get news from my friend, her bbm wasn't active, she didn't reply my message so i canceled the photoshoot. I borrowed my friend's 50mm lens, the lens is fit for the canon, so i also borrowed my friend's camera. But uuhh the plan didn't work well. Ok next time maybe, not today.
So i stayed at home today, sleep all day long. In the morning i woke up early to jogging, ran with my friend and my sister then played basketball together.

I was lazy to take another picture, i was going upstair to take this picture, using my long lens. I think i see something from the clouds. Can you see something? Can you tell me what do you see? :D

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