Vienna #3 - Wein Mitte

A first. Really. Today I achieved something never even attempted before. Up and ready to leave by 7.30am, we then took the metro to Vienna's  "Wein MItte" (The Mall) where I spent the next nine hours clocking up 14,684 steps which roughly translates as 8.81km for the day.  "Why?" I hear you ask. Well, the simple answer is that The Mall was the venue for today's young Junior Enterprise event, (Junior=Grade 11 students mostly) in which our students were participating, promoting two different potential 'products' that they had created and is the reason why we are in Vienna.  Can't say it was a fun day, but I did manage to buy a new handbag - Desiquel- which is definitely in the 'fun' category whilst wandering amongst the stands and shops that included three separate visits to the Austrian "Spar" supermarket pictured.  I bought cheese and chocolate. Doing my bit for the Viennese economy, I am sorry we didn't see anything more splendid than a mall today.

Close of the whole young entrepreneur event with a Huge Dinner this evening provided by the organisers at the hotel with some speechifying.  

Leave tomorrow evening after some more day time sightseeing.

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