Mega Traffic Jam !

This shot was taken through the bus window. I live about a mile and a half from Cambridge city centre where I catch my bus. Today it has taken just over two and a quarter hours to get home ! Every time the bus turned a corner there was another queue of traffic,The reason for the delay was that at 3 am this morning, a huge fire had devastated the old Tivoli pub on Chesterton Road, now belonging to Wetherspoon's chain, and was still not completely out. The roof caved in and left the rest of the building in an unsafe state, so several main roads had to be closed. Luckily nobody was in there at the time. It was chaos. Everywhere people were walking about in the road, cars were trying to turn round, babies were crying for their tea and a lady sitting behind me needed a toilet. A lot of people got off the bus to walk home but I wasn't sure which route was open and I had a lot of shopping, so I settled down with my newspaper, a bag of sweets and a bottle of water. The irony of the situation was that I had been to the retail park in Newmarket road first, then caught a bus into town to transfer to my local one and after nearly two hours, the detour took me back to Newmarket road  a couple of hundred yards from where I had begun.  After all that, I didn't even find any curtains for the bedroom, but I did get a new bowl for the sink !

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