
We've had such a lovely day today celebrating Mother's Day with my Mummy.

We met up at a fantastic little place just outside of town for lunch. The children were very well behaved and ate all of their meals with minimal fuss. The food was delicious and we all had a good catch up. Considering I work in the same building as my brother I still hardly ever see him!

After lunch we let the children burn off some steam on the field and we went to see the lambs. There were some that were tiny. They must've only been born very recently. It was lovely to see them in the grassy field, playing in the sunshine.

We then headed over to the pottery painting studio where the children each painted a little animal and I made myself a Mother's Day mug with their handprints.

We all then went back to mums for a coffee and more play time for the children. Albert showed us his handwriting and was doing exceptionally well with his spelling. We asked him to spell Alexander and he wrote Alexkszander. This made me giggle.

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