
By Ivanbar1

New Boots (Back Blip)

The grandsons came to stay as they needed to go to Hamilton to buy new rugby boots and new winter school shoes yesterday (Saturday)
We decided to take the long route to Hamilton from Matamata and went via Highway one through Cambridge so that we could stop at the new validrome in Hamilton .
Unfortunately, when we arrived the junior National champs were on and we couldn't enter without paying, and since we didn't want to stay for very long, we decided it wouldn,t be worth the entry fee. Normally you can enter for free and watch the cyclists training....so we carried on the Tamahere and had a nice lunch at Punnet which is a gorgeous cafe on a strawberry farm.
After lunch we continued on to the city where we checked out mountain bikes for an impending birthday present and then did the new shoe shopping. 
Sollie was keen to try his new boots out . Here he is practicing kicks; verdict...GREAT BOOTS!

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